Educational Consultant

Helping to empower leaders and learners to connect with the unique and evolving potential of who they are, where they are going and what they could be.

Leadership Development

Behind the quality of teachers, school leadership is the next strongest indicator of a school’s success. Often leaders are expected to learn on the job and discover the best ways to lead and manage in what is a frenetic and pressured environment. Leadership development work enables leaders to ‘step off the hamster wheel’ of leadership and develop their skills, knowledge and personal qualities to become more effective in their current role. Balancing ‘moving me forward thinking’ with ‘keeping me afloat thinking’ is really key to this development journey.
Jonathan is currently working on a number of leadership initiatives.
He can provide a wide range of bespoke leadership packages for all levels of leadership for individual schools or cluster initiatives. Areas that can be facilitated include:
• Creating a coherent, principled and shared whole school vision and operationalising shared school values
• Whole school self-evaluation and strategic planning
• Balancing leadership, management and administration
• Effective leadership of a team and managing group processes and dynamics
• Developing high quality relationships with different team members using co-acting styles
• Strategies and techniques for having difficult conversations
• Leading successful and embedded change in an organisation
• Prioritising workload and maintaining a healthy work life balance and personal well-being
• Induction and development of new heads
• Headteacher performance management
• Individual headteacher or leadership team coaching or mentoring sessions
Jonathan also runs an annual Leadership Residential in Bournemouth for Heads and Senior Leadership Teams in the Autumn term called “Space for Leaders” – it provides a mix of facilitated workshops, one-to-one school based sessions and time for schools to reflect on and develop their own strategic priorities. Details of this programme can be found here.
He is a facilitator for licensed National Leadership Programmes@: NPQH, NPQSL and NPQML linked to QTL – programmes can be booked here